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(The Fukuoka Japan -
British Society)


  • (1)当協会は、会員を対象とした英会話教室をオンライン(Zoom)および一部対面で開催しています。
  • (2)
    1. 午前教室(10:30-12:00)
    2. 午後教室(18:30-20:00)
  • (3)講座の詳細はこちら[2,155kb]
  • (4)メール用申込書はこちら(エクセル)
レベル 開催曜日 人数 講師 講師よりクラス内容紹介
初中級 英検2~3級程度 20 Graeme Cattermole先生 This class is for students new to English or have had a long absence from English learning. We work at a slow pace concentrating on the basics to build a strong foundation in English. We use the language to go Elementary textbook which we supplement with pair and group exercises and occasional insight into British culture. We enjoy learning English in a relaxed class with friendly students.
中級 英検2級程度 20 Graeme Cattermole先生 This class is designed for students who know the basics and are ready to take the next step in English. We use the Language to go Pre-intermediate Textbook. This is supplement with pair and group exercises and occasional insight into British culture. We have a group of warm and friendly students who enjoy working together to improve their abilities.
上級 英検準1~1級程度 20 Graeme Cattermole先生 This class is a little bit more challenging for students who have confidence in an English only environment. We use the Speakout Intermediate Student's Book Textbook which we supplement with pair and group exercises and occasional insight into British culture. We have a nice group of friendly students that enjoy working together to increase their English knowledge of the English language.
レベル 開催曜日 人数 講師 講師よりクラス内容紹介
初級 英検3級程度 20 Nick Warren先生
This face-to-face class is designed to be informal and pressure-free. As our textbook, we will use Headway (Pre-intermediate), published by Oxford University Press. Through regular weekly practice, students are expected to make gradual progress in all four skills, especially listening and speaking. The style of studying will include plenty of short communicative activities in pairs or small groups, with changes of partners from time to time, so students will eventually be able to get to know everyone else in the class. Finally, there is the enjoyable option of a class party at the end of each term.
初級 英検3級程度 20 Robert Hulse先生
Each lesson starts with a general greeting, then we introduce the week's topic for example booking a hotel or other themes. Then we will listen or read a text and then go on to practice in a role-play in pairs.You can ask questions at anytime and study at your own pace. Don't worry if you have not studied before, the class has a friendly atmosphere and the teacher will be happy to help! If you are studying for fun, business or travel, this course will have something to help you achieve your goal!
中級 英検2級程度 20 Kathleen Fukuhara先生

The best way to learn how to speak English well is to speak English! If you enjoy communicating your ideas and discussing them with others, then this is the class for you!

This class will provide a warm and friendly atmosphere where you can practice and hone your English skills without worry. Working in pairs and groups, you will have plenty of opportunities to speak and listen to English.

Whatever your reasons and purposes for studying English, this class will help you to advance your abilities. We will focus on developing your communication skills, not only in the spoken language but also with non-verbal communication skills and strategies too.

Many aspects of communication are rooted in their cultural contexts. In fact, ‘culture’ is said to be the fifth language skill. We will learn about aspects of British society to more deeply understand the people of the UK and how they use English to communicate. This in turn will enrich and develop your ability to use and understand English.

中級 英検2級程度 20 Robert Hulse先生 This course is intended for students who are able to communicate with a fair degree of confidence in a variety of situations, yet need to improve their knowledge of and proficiency in English comprehension and Production. Through the exploration of real life themes, students will be given a lot of opportunity to speak, listen, read and write in a variety of contexts. Activities presented in each theme will allow the student to practice and then review each topic. A textbook will be chosen for the year though some weeks other materials will be used and if you want to study a specific topic lessons can be tailored to your needs.
上級 英検準1~1級程度 20 Nick Shillingford先生 One of the best Advanced classes in Fukuoka! The balance of male and female, young and old, new and continuing students creates a dynamic and challenging atmosphere.Our textbook is Total English (Advanced), and some of the lessons used for topics and discussions.End-of-term parties are popular and fun!


受講料 15,000円(12回分)を各期の開講日までにお振込いただきます。





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